12. The Montréal Botanical
Garden Formally Reinforces its Commitment to Biodiversity Conservation,
and hosts a Wollemi Pine, Yann Vergriete, Institut de
recherche en biologie végétale, The Montréal
Botanical Garden
The City of Montreal recently signed an agreement bringing together
Muséums nature Montréal (the Montréal Botanical
Garden being one of its four constituents) with the Steering Committee
of the Consortium of Scientific Partners on Biodiversity (from the
international Convention on Biological Diversity). The sharing of
expertise and the development of knowledge as it relates to species
conservation will be highly beneficial. Moreover, with 1.7 million
annual visitors, the Museums offer an exceptional window from which
the Secretariat, as well as the issues connected to the loss of
biological diversity, can communicate their messages to a larger
In order to build upon the gathering momentum surrounding biodiversity
conservation, and to celebrate the International Day for Biological
Diversity, the Montréal Botanical Garden will showcase a
Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis) in one of the greenhouses.
This species, at one time believed extinct for two million years,
was discovered in 1994 in Australia’s Wollemi National Park.
Currently, less than one hundred of these trees exist. The Montréal
Botanical Garden will thus contribute to the conservation of this
particular endangered species, while also utilizing the presence
of this "living fossil" to intensify its public awareness
The official unveiling of this once-missing plant will take place
on May 22nd in the presence of Mr. Ahmed Djoghalf, Executive Secretary
of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Mr.
Gérald Tremblay, Mayor of the City of Montreal, and His Excellence
William Fisher, High-Commissioner for Australia.
For more information regarding the Wollemi Pine, please visit
the following website: www.wollemipine.com.

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Yann Vergriete
Project coordinator
Institut de recherche en biologie végétale
The Montréal Botanical Garden
4101, rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal (Québec) H1X 2B2