Securing plant diversity for the well-being of people and the planet
Our vision is a world in which plant diversity is valued, secure, and supports all life.

12th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens
We are now inviting applications from botanic gardens or arboreta interested in hosting 12th ICEBG

What We Do
BGCI promotes an efficient, cost-effective, and rational approach to plant conservation in botanic gardens.
BGCI’s State of the World’s Trees
Threatened38%of the world’s tree species are at risk of extinctionLearn more
Brink of Extinction440tree species have less than 50 individuals remainingLearn more
Protected Areas64%of tree species are found in at least one protected area globallyLearn more
Experts1,000experts collaborated on BGCI-led Global Tree AssessmentLearn more
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Plants are essential for all life on earth, yet one-fifth of all plant species are threatened with extinction. No matter what size donation, every contribution makes a real difference to us.