2022 Ukraine Botanic Garden Appeal - Update
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2022 Ukraine Botanic Garden Appeal – Update
Thank you for your donations and for spreading the word about BGCI’s Ukraine Botanic Garden Appeal. Your donations are already making a difference to the garden staff, the collections, and the visitors that enjoy the garden and take respite during a time of conflict.
So far, through a generous donation from Partnerships for Nature, four gardens have received $2,500 each. We aim to disburse a similar amount to another six gardens in the coming month, to support staff, sustain collections, and allow gardens to remain open in a time of crisis.
Updates from Hryshko National Botanic Garden
M.M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NBG) which remained closed at the start of the conflict, opened its doors to the public. They received a flood of visitors during the first few weeks, more than they ever received before! With the financial help provided through the Appeal during May-June 2022, new excursion routes have now been developed:
- “Secrets of the Zvirynets Fortification of the Kyiv Fortress”;
- “Natural Heritage of the NBG”;
- and special information boards for interactive thematic excursions.

Classes with school teachers
Classes with school teachers

Free tours in greenhouses
Free tours in greenhouses

Free tours of the National Botanic Garden
Free tours of the National Botanic Garden
Information materials are being prepared for presentation on the NBG website. Free excursions were conducted for the military personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine (about 100 military personnel and their relatives), as well as classes for teachers of Kyiv schools (about 50 people). The funds from the Appeal supported 18 NBG employees involved in the preparation and conducting of excursions and maintenance of NBG botanical collections.
Updates from Kryvyi Rih Botanic Garden
During May the scientists of the Kryvyi Rih Botanical Garden held an educational quest-game for temporarily displaced school-aged children. 35 children (from 8 to 15 years of age) took part in the event during which they learnt about the main properties of flowering plants. The event was accompanied with music, during which children and their parents were able to distract themselves and find respite from the crisis.

Event with refugees
Event with refugees

Education program: a nature tour for refugee children
Education program: a nature tour for refugee children

The game “Happy Day” for refugee children
The game “Happy Day” for refugee children
Unfortunately the conflict is not over, your donations make a difference.
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