5th Global Botanic Gardens Congress
New Zealand -
Services for Botanic Gardens -
Event -
Over 300 delegates from 43 countries attended the 5th Global Botanic Gardens Congress (5GBGC) in Dunedin, New Zealand. The congress was held in partnership with the 6th Biennial Botanic Gardens of Australia and New Zealand (BGANZ) Congress.
The Congress included 17 plenary talks, 12 organised symposia and over 80 contributed papers. All plenary sessions were recorded and videos are being made available on our 5GBGC YouTube channel. Click here to view the plenary talks.



The wide range of issues affecting botanic gardens were discussed thorough a series of excellent presentations and workshops and the future of botanic gardens was the topic of an open forum. A number of Congress ‘talking points’ provided a focus for the Congress sessions and corridor chats.
New initiatives launched at the Congress included the International Plant Sentinel Network and the new website for the Ecological Restoration Alliance of Botanic Gardens.
Tree conservation was high on the agenda of items discussed with two pertinent symposia:
- Strengthening the conservation value of tree collections for ex situ conservation
- Beyond seed banking: Challenges and opportunities to conserve exceptional species
Find out more about these symposia here.