BGCI has launched a new online training platform
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We are excited to share with you the launch of our new online training platform to provide online and blended learning training courses to BGCI members and other interested individuals. The platform, which is Moodle based, allows the creation of a range of interactive content with resources designed to complement BGCI’s existing face-to-face training courses, projects and publications.
Over the next few years we will be releasing new modules each quarter. Our focus is initially is to develop a Botanic Garden Basics series. These introductory modules are aimed at small and resource challenged gardens to provide practical training to complement the publication ‘From Ideas to Realisation – BGCI’s Manual on Planning, Developing and Managing Botanic Gardens’ (2016).
As part of this launch we have three modules that are available to access:
- Defining a botanic garden (part of our Botanic Garden Basics series)
- Introduction to interpretation
- Vegetative propagation of threatened tree species
Click here for more information, including how to access these courses.