BGCI launches a new Global Conservation Consortia website

  • Region

  • Programme

    Global Conservation Consortia
  • Workstream

    Saving Plants
  • Topic

    Conservation Prioritisation
  • Type

  • Source


BGCI, along with several partners, is excited to launch the Global Conservation Consortia (GCC) website! The GCC is a collective effort which aims to mobilise a coordinated network of institutions and experts to collaboratively develop and implement comprehensive conservation strategies for priority threatened plant groups. The GCC website will host consortium-specific materials including:

  • news of forthcoming events
  • funding opportunities
  • current consortia activities
  • essential resources that guide the work of individual Consortia

The website also hosts the new sign-up mechanism for people to join each of the Consortia.

To date, Consortia have been established in collaboration with several organizations for eight highly threatened plant groups: Acer, Cycads, Dipterocarps, Erica, Magnolia, Nothofagus, Oak and Rhododendron. If you’d like to get involved with the work of our Global Conservation Consortia, visit the GCC website to join one or more Consortia. Find out more about the GCC Ways to Participate here. If you want to create a Global Consortium for another plant group, please get in touch! Thank you!

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