BGCI Publishes 2020 Member's Review
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While a bit later than normal, BGCI is pleased to share the 2020 Member’s Review. The 2020 Member’s Review is a special one for BGCI, as it looks back at the last five year of BGCI’s activities during its 2016-2020 Strategy. 2020 itself was an unusual year for BGCI and everyone else!
Apart from being a most unusual year for obvious reasons, 2020 was the last year of BGCI’s 2016-2020 Strategy, and so we have taken some time to look back to assess progress against the targets we set ourselves back in 2015. BGCI has two main purposes. Firstly, to catalyse plant conservation action globally and secondly to support the botanical community by advocacy, promoting high standards and providing technical or financial support. These two aims come together in our mission, which is to mobilise botanic gardens and engage partners in securing plant diversity for the well-being of people and the planet.
Paul Smith, Secretary General
We hope you enjoy reading about BGCI’s work in 2020.
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