BGCI: The Understory Podcast S1Ep1 Available Now!

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News Published: 21 October 2024

Have you listened to the very first episode of BGCI: The Understory Podcast?


Well, no problem, you can listen now using the button below!

You have listened? Great. Well, you are in the right place. We really hope you enjoyed our first episode and there are so many exciting, motivating, and interesting conversations to come.

Alongside the podcast, we will be posting a series of blogs with additional information (as we really do WAY too much at BGCI to adequately cover in a short episode!!). Here you will find information about the episode and associated resources to what is spoken about on the pod. There is  A LOT of information to take it, so don’t worry if you need anything clarified, we’ve tried to cover what we can below – but if your question isn’t answered or your curiosity isn’t satisfied with the content below, then there is always Google! 🙂

Firstly, let’s talk acronyms!

There are so many used within the conservation sector – it takes a really long time to learn them all (and we are not convinced anyone has truly mastered them!), so here is a small glossary for you, with ones that we think are used the most or pop up in this series of the podcast.

Super-helpful Acronym Glossary:

  • 8GBGC – BGCI’s 8th Global Botanic Garden Congress
  • BGCI – Botanic Gardens Conservation International
  • CBD – Convention on Biological Diversity
  • CITES – Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
  • COP – Conference of the Parties
  • GBF – Global Biodiversity Framework
  • GPPC – Global Partnership for Plant Conservation
  • GSAP – Global Species Action Plans
  • GSPC – Global Strategy for Plant Conservation
  • GTA – Global Tree Assessment
  • GTSG – Global Tree Specialist Group
  • IUCN – International Union Conservation of Nature
  • IUCN SSC – International Union Conservation of Nature Species Survival Commission
  • NBSAP – National Biodiversity Action Plans
  • RBGE – Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh
  • SANBI – South African National Biodiversity Institute
  • TGBS – The Global Biodiversity Standard

Yeah – we know there are a lot, but, if you can look past the excessive use of acronyms, then there is a fascinating world of plant conservation waiting just beyond!

Thank you so much for supporting our brand-new podcast, we really hope you enjoyed it. Please remember to like, review, and subscribe, and maybe share it with your friends!


Rebecca & Megan 🙂 

Other useful links: 

  • Want to know more about BGCI? Click here
  • Want to know more about GSPC? Click here
  • Want to know more about CBD? Click here
  • Want to know more about the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework? Click here
  • Want to know more about the Education Congress? Click here
  • Want to learn about BGCI’s Education work? Click here
  • Want to learn about BGCI Membership? Click here
  • Want to learn about BGCI’s Data Tools? Click here
  • Want to learn about BGCI’s Region Networks? Click here
  • Want to learn about BGCI’s Global Tree Programme? Click here

If you enjoyed the podcast and want more of our accessible SciComm content, then make sure you head over to The Understory section of our website – it’s still in its infancy, but there is a lot of fascinating content on the horizon that we can’t wait to share with you.

Credits & Special Thanks:

A huge thank you to our colleagues who provided the clips you heard in this episode; Ane Zabaleta, Patricia Malcolm, Carly Cowell, Emily Beech, and Noelia Alvarez.

Series 1 of BGCI: The Understory Podcast was written and researched by Rebecca Hansell and Megan Barstow, with assistance from Carly Cowell in the first stages of development. This episode was edited by Rebecca Hansell using Audacity, and originally recorded over Zoom. The music is by elemontary-music and the sound effects are by Trading Nation, both were sourced from Pixabay.

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