BGCI's Global Botanic Garden Fund: Open for Applications

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    Sharing Knowledge and Resources
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    Services for Botanic Gardens
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Call for Applications

Open from 3 May 2022 – 1 July 2022

We are pleased to announce BGCI’s Global Botanic Garden Fund is open for applications. The call for applications will be open from 3 May 2022 and will close at 17:00 GMT on 1 July 2022.

BGCI’s Global Botanic Garden Fund aims to drive plant conservation, sustainability efforts, and global partnerships with a focus on smaller botanic gardens and arboreta in developing countries and biodiversity hotspots. The Fund is open to BGCI Member Institutions only. Non-members may apply, but a membership fee must be paid prior to the application deadline or added to the budget of the application.

In 2021, BGCI received 120 applications and distributed 48 grants to 23 countries and 36 different institutions worth more than $133,500. We hope to provide more grants in 2022!

Grants Available in 2022

We are pleased to share that the following grants will be available in 2022:

BGCI Member Grants

BGCI aims to disburse 15-20 grants per year to BGCI member institutions, with each grant awarding between USD 1,000 and USD 2,500. The BGCI Member Grants can help an institution to improve or support ONE of the 10 vital areas of a botanic garden identified in BGCI’s Botanic Garden Accreditation.

BGCI/ArbNet Partnership Programme Grants

These grants support international collaborations between the arboretum and the botanic garden community that facilitate the exchange of knowledge, skills, and resources. Projects through the Partnership programme must focus on tree conservation, involve an international partnership between two institutions, and one of the partners must be an ArbNet accredited arboretum. Funding for the BGCI/ArbNet Partnership Programme is graciously provided by BGCI’s Patron Member, The Morton Arboretum.

BGCI/Minnesota Landscape Arboretum Grants

This fund supports botanical gardens or arboreta around the world that are having difficulty in carrying out their mission. Four grants of USD 1,000 are available for any part of the garden’s work; operations, conservation, education or research. The grants are graciously provided by the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.

BGCI Extinct in the Wild Grants

Botanic Gardens hold incredible collections of plant diversity, some which are Extinct in the Wild. 60% of attempts by Botanic Gardens to reintroduce species extinct in the wild are successful. These grants support these efforts. To apply to these grants:

  • Species must be listed under the IUCN Red List Globally as Extinct in the Wild or Critically Endangered (under criterion D)
  • Project must support reintroduction or translocation of a species.

Application System

Grant Applications to be Submitted through SheepApp

In collaboration with our friends at SheepCRM, the grant application and management system enables applicants to manage applications via the SheepApp. Through the system you can apply, receive notifications, status updates, receive feedback; and provide reports and banking details to BGCI.

Members can access the grant applications and all membership benefits by visiting the BGCI SheepApp here. If you have not created a SheepApp account, you will need to do so in order to apply for grants. Instructions on creating a SheepApp account can be found here. If you have questions related to BGCI Membership or the application system, please contact us.

If you need help with your Application why not look at our new online course with tips on how to apply.

Become a Member

Be part of the largest network of botanic gardens and plant conservation experts in the world by joining BGCI today!

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