Climate Change Alliance of Botanic Gardens: Horticulture Forum

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News Published: 14 February 2025

Join us for the first Climate Change Alliance of Botanic Gardens Horticulture Forum of 2025.

The team at Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Cranbourne will be presenting on the fantastic community outreach conservation program Raising Rarity.

“With over a third of plants in Victoria listed as threatened, we need the help of the wider community to join us in our conservation efforts. With community involvement, we can grow more plants in more locations and in climates they may be better suited to,” said Dr Meg Hirst, Seed Ecologist at RBGV.

The goal of the program is to engage as many people as possible in the protection of Victorian flora through meaningful and sustainable conservation projects. Current participants in the program include schools, local government, and other botanic gardens. As part of the program, RBGV’s scientists and horticulturists explore the ‘horticultural potential’ of each plant to determine whether it is suitable for inclusion in the program. Research can include optimal methods of propagation for each plant such as testing seeds through X-ray imaging, genetic testing and pre-treatments, and monitoring growth of the plant in the nursery such as analysing growth rate or testing for pests and diseases.

This webinar is free to attend for members and non-members alike.

Date: 20 February 2025, 1800 AEDT

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