Call to host the 12th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens

  • Region

  • Programme

  • Workstream

    Addressing Global Challenges
  • Type

    Press Release
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News Published: 27 August 2024

BGCI is inviting botanic gardens or arboreta interested in hosting the 12th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens (ICEBG) in 2028 to submit their pre-proposals.

The ICEBG, held once every three years, is hosted by a BGCI botanic garden member, with Congress activities cantered around the host botanic garden.

BGCI aims to ensure a broad geographical spread of Congress locations to encourage global participation. The next International Congress will be held in Seoul, South Korea, in June 2025. Past Congresses have taken place in Utrecht, The Netherlands (1991), Gran Canaria, Spain (1993), Brooklyn, USA (1996), Kerala, India (1999), Sydney, Australia (2002), Oxford, UK (2006), Durban, South Africa (2009), Mexico City, Mexico (2012), Missouri, USA (2015), and Warsaw, Poland (2018).

Botanic gardens or arboreta interested in hosting the 2028 Congress should submit a pre-proposal in the form of a presentation with no more than ten slides, to the Director of Operations of BGCI ( by 4 November 2024. Please refer to the below guidelines for details on what to include in the pre-proposal.

Short-listed candidates will be notified by the 6th of December 2024.

We look forward to reviewing your pre-proposals and to partnering with a host that will help make the 12th ICEBG a memorable event!

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