Important Updates for the 2024 CWR Symposium

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    United States of America
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    North America
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    Sharing Knowledge and Resources
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News Published: 24 July 2024

NEW Additions to the CWR 2024 Symposium program!

A Wildland Gathering to celebrate Indigenous wild plant foraging will be convened by the Flower Hill Institute on Sept. 16, 9:00 – 3:00 p.m. The Wildland Gathering will include Tribal representatives from across North America and facilitated discussions will focus on North American Indigenous foragers and gatherers of wildland plants.

Herbaceous Perennial Grains Working Group Meeting, September 19, 1:00- 4:30 pm. This optional meeting following the symposium will take place at the Denver Botanic Gardens, and focus on defining and prioritizing this group of plants for conservation and use. Capacity is limited for this event. 

Free Virtual Attendance Option

For those who are not able to attend the symposium in person, a virtual attendance option for the symposium is now available for free. Register Here 

REMINDER Upcoming Deadlines

– The deadline for Lightning Presentation Abstracts was July 19, 2024. If more time is needed, please email .
– Symposium registration deadline is August 31, 2024. Capacity is limited, be sure to register early.

For more information about the symposium, visit

This meeting is made possible through a partnership between Botanic Gardens Conservation International-US and the United States Botanic Garden, in collaboration with an advisory committee from the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, Denver Botanic Gardens, Missouri Botanical Garden, NatureServe, San Diego Botanic Garden, United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service, and University of British Columbia Botanical Garden.

See you in September!