ISHS III International Symposium on Greener Cities: Improving Ecosystem Services in a Climate-Changing World (GreenCities2024)

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    United Kingdom
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  • Workstream

    Sharing Knowledge and Resources
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  • Source

    BGCI Member

News Published: 5 August 2024

This symposium is focused on advancing the science of greening our cities and will take place from September 25th to 27th 2024, at the RHS Science Centre within the beautiful RHS Wisley Gardens in Surrey, UK.

This is a three-day event (with options to attend single days). There is also a dinner option and a Post-symposium London Green Infrastructure Tour on the 28 Sep.

Key Themes:

  • Thermal regulation
  • Flood risk mitigation
  • Carbon sequestration and storage
  • Biodiversity support
  • Air quality improvement
  • Policy and social science
  • Urban food growing
  • Human health impacts
  • Noise reduction

We’re excited to host 40+ speakers from 15 countries, including esteemed keynote speakers:
– Prof Diane Pataki (University of Arizona, USA). Foundation Professor in the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University.
– Prof Stephan Pauleit (Technical University Munich, Germany). Chair of Strategic Landscape Planning and Management, Technical University of Munich.
– Dr Fraser Torpy (University of Technology Sydney, Australia). Professor, School of Life Sciences, University of Technology Sydney.
– Mr Felix Loh (Gardens by the Bay, Singapore). Chief Executive Officer, Gardens by the Bay, Singapore.
– Mr Philipp Nedomlel (Heatherwick Studios, London). Head of Landscape, Heatherwick Studios.

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