O.V. Fomin of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
2022 Ukraine Botanic Garden Appeal
O.V. Fomin of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
The Fomin Botanical Garden is one of the oldest botanical gardens in Ukraine founded in 1839. The garden covers an area of 22.5 hectares and is located in the central part of Kyiv, with the main collections concentrating in woody plants of the temperate and subtropical regions. The collections are one of the largest in Ukraine, they were formed by several generations of botanists and they should be preserved for future generations.
Collections at Fomin Botanical Garden
The dendrological collection of the garden includes ~170 year old specimens of trees, as well as several 200-year-old specimens that have survived from the time before the foundation of the garden. The garden has a large collection of conifers, many of which are included in the international red lists. The garden also has several greenhouses, one that is 30m high and is one of the tallest in Europe.
Impacts from the war
As a result of military operations on the territory of Ukraine, the amount of funding for the Botanical Garden has significantly decreased. There is not enough funds to purchase biological preparations for plant protection and certain materials to replace the glass that fell in one of the stock greenhouses during the shelling of Kyiv.
How will the funds from the Appeal will help?
Funds will be used to to conduct tours for different groups and highlight information about events in the Botanical Garden on social networks, also to fund employees to recruit and manage volunteers to care for botanical collections. Part of the funds will be used to print of a booklet and ordering the making plaques to mark the oldest trees of the botanical garden.