Obituary: Professor Igor Yuryevich Koropachinsky

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16.03.1928 – 05.12.2021

BGCI is remembering the world-renowned scientist, dendrologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Igor Yuryevich Koropachinsky who passed away on 5th December in Novosibirsk at the age of 93.

For nearly 70 years, Professor Koropachinsky had been pursuing the study of plants. The results of his scientific activities are presented in more than 150 scientific publications. Igor Yuryevich created the scientific school of Siberian dendrologists. He established living collections of woody plants in Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk counting over 600 taxa. These present a national treasure and will continue to serve as a foundation for scientific research and a source for use in restoration, horticulture, landscape planning and gardening.

As scientific director of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the SB RAS, Igor Yurievich was concerned with the day-to-day management of the Institute and the Laboratory of Dendrology until his last day. He was a sympathetic, sensitive, and caring person. He always extended a helping hand, and provided support, both in word and deed. BGCI extends its condolences to his family and to all of his many colleagues and friends. He will be sorely missed.

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