Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Botanical Garden
2022 Ukraine Botanic Garden Appeal
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University Botanical Garden
The Dnipro Botanical Garden was founded in 1930. It is located in the center of the large city of Dnipro. The total area of the garden is 27 hectares, and it is divided into two zones: an area open for free access to the public (10 hectares) and a scientific limited access area (17 hectares). Dendrological collections include more than 1,000 species of plants collected from the temperate zone of all continents.
Public Education Programme
As part of educational and awareness activities, the garden staff conduct sightseeing and thematic tours, workshops. There are also a number of small educational programs related to obtaining knowledge about plant diversity, the reasonable use of plant resources, and developing practical skills in gardening and floristry. In addition, the collections of the botanical garden serve as a base for conducting practical classes and undergraduate practice for students of the biological faculties of DNU (educational program “Biosystems and Landscape Design”) and the Agrarian and Economic University (educational program “Landscape gardening”). Botanical garden plants are also valuable material for scientific research of DNU Research Laboratory of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology.
Collections at Dnipro Botanical Garden
The Arboretum collections includes more than 1,00 species of plants. In terms of species diversity, the genera Deutzia, Philadelphus, Lonicera, and Syringa are most fully represented. The collections include a large number of relict, exotic, as well as threatened plants: Abies holophylla, Fitzroya cupressoides, Forsythia ovata, Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Juniperus pingii, Sorbus latifolia, Thuja standishii, Sinowilsonia henryi, Cephalotaxus harringtonii, Metasequoia glyptostroboides, Parrotia persica, Staphylea pinnata, Liriodendron tulipifera etc.
Impacts of the war
Due to the critically small number of employees (currently 22) and a significant reduction in funding, the workload per person has increased. There is a serious threat to the plant collections in the exposition and fund greenhouses because of possible interruptions in central heating in the winter. Despite the above circumstances, significant efforts are made to maintain the collections. Volunteers are actively involved in this task. The number of educational programs has decreased, but excursions and some thematic classes continue to be held.
How will the funds from the Ukraine Appeal will be used?
The funds received from BGCI will be used to support employees who carry out public educational programs for children and adults (“Plant Diversity of the World”, “Green Pharmacy”, “World of Tropics and Subtropics”, “Exotic Fruit Plants”, “Botanical Knowledge and Cultural Traditions”, etc.) . It is also planned to support employees involved in maintaining collections and actively working with volunteers. Part of the funds will be used to purchase some materials and equipment necessary for the implementation of excursion and educational activities.