Short survey on plant health and habitat restoration/creation

  • Country

    United Kingdom
  • Region

  • Topic

    Plant Conservation
  • Type

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If you are involved in habitat restoration/creation in the UK please take this survey

Scotland’s Plant Health Centre of Expertise and NatureScot are conducting a short survey to better understand the plant health risks (plant pests and pathogens) associated with habitat creation and/or habitat restoration. They are interested in finding out how aware those involved in habitat creation/restoration are of the potential plant health risks, what risk assessments they use and what guidelines they follow to minimize any risks. And are also interested in understanding what, if any new guidance with respect to plant health and habitat restoration/creation is required.

The survey begins with a consent form and then asks a number of multiple choice questions that should take around 15 minutes to complete.

They would appreciate responses from anybody who is involved in habitat restoration/creation in any way from across the UK, so please do forward this email on to any colleagues for whom it would be relevant. The survey will close at the end of November.

The survey is run by Dr Ruth Mitchell from the James Hutton Institute on behalf of Scotland’s Plant Health Centre of Expertise and NatureScot