Araribá Botanical Garden COVID-19 Support

Status of project
Completed -
Latin America and the Caribbean -
Brazil -
Addressing Global Challenges -
Services for Botanic Gardens
Project funded via the Global Botanic Garden Fund.
Project completed: 2021
Araribá Botanical Garden’s Maintenance in times of COVID-19
Project partner: Araribá Botanical Garden (Brazil)
The Pandemic isolation period has severely impacted maintenance, since ABG revenue was mostly composed of the educational visitation. The objective was relieving the impacts of the Pandemic on ABG. The project ensured basic maintenance of trees’ collection, preparing and equipping ABG’s structure to attend safety protocols.
Project goal
The project’s main goal is to support relieving the impacts of COVID-19, which were achieved by two efforts. First- funding ABG essential activities and needs, as plant care, staff time and consumables. Second effort – preparing the BG for the return of activities and maintaining its structure.
Key achievements
The funding was distributed throughout the year, enabling the physical structures to be kept in a usable condition on a monthly basis, from February 2022 on. Including:
- Plant care
- Common area cleaning and sterilization
- Equipment & supplies bought and installed
The equipment acquired and installed became part of the permanent structure of the ABG of sanitary control, allowing the continuity of activities with all the necessary sanitary security. The arrival of the funding, besides maintaining the structure and the plant collections, has allowed schools to return once restrictions were loosened (510 students – USD 5988/Year) and implementation of new projects, such as the “Cultural Trails”, with the visitation of over 1200 community participants, in the first half of 2022. This project generated additional funding for the maintenance activities and physical structures of USD 1500, financed by a local company.