Beech Leaf Disease Survey

Status of project
Ongoing -
Europe -
United States of America -
International Plant Sentinel Network -
Saving Plants -
Policy and Advocacy -
The IPSN is involved in a Euphresco project researching the health of Fagus spp. (FAGUSTAT).
Beech leaf disease (BLD) is a new disease affecting several species of Fagus (Fagus grandifolia, F. sylvatica, F. engleriana, F. orientalis). It has been found in the US and Canada where it is spreading rapidly. The European Plant Protection Organisation has added BLD to its Alert List.
The aim of the IPSN’s involvement in the Eurphresco project is to raise awareness of BLD in Europe for botanic garden staff and the public and to determine the baseline of presence of BLD in the EU.
The activities are to;
- Create a register of BG’s that have Fagus species in their collections in Europe
- Create and share capacity building resources for symptom recognition
- Encourage BGs to carry out surveys on Fagus collections [relevant forms can be found here]
The IPSN is asking gardens that have collections of Fagus in Europe and are keep to monitor for BLD to get in touch.