Brazilian Alliance of BG: Seed exchange network

Status of project
Completed -
Latin America and the Caribbean -
Brazil -
Saving Plants -
Year in review 2022
Funded via the Global Botanic Garden Fund. Project completed in 2022
Brazilian Alliance of Botanical Gardens (ABJB) Seed exchange network
Project goal
This project aims to promote and manage a seed exchange network among the seven Botanical Gardens of Aliança Brasileira de Jardins Botânicos (ABJB), by training staff, transferring knowledge about seeds, exchanging seeds of threatened native species, and developing protocols for processing, storage and germination of exchanged seeds and consolidating seed banks in all ABJB.

Key achievements
To meet our goals, the following actions were taken:
- Buy packing material to allow seeds exchange between ABJB
- Packaging of seeds in several sizes
- Mailing the seeds – logistics
- Storage and germination tests – two seed banks – jb Inhotim and jb Bauru
- Training and capacitation on storage and management of the seed bank, offered to the technicians of each of the Botanical Garden members of ABJB.
Some gardens now have new species in their collection due to the seed exchange and with this we were able to add two more associates to the BGCI, members of the ABJB. The Arboretum Project donated seeds to all the alliance botanical gardens, some of which were new species to some of them, for planting and inclusion in their collections.
ABJB More images on seed collecting
Summary presentation on project achievements
Brazilian Alliance of Botanical Gardens Seed exchange network