Conserving three Critically Endangered Trees from Peru

Status of project
Completed -
Latin America and the Caribbean -
Peru -
Saving Plants -
Year in review 2022
For the last three years, our partners in Peru (Huarango Nature and University of Jaen), have compiled information on distribution, threats, penology, physiology and uses of Myrcianthes ferreyrae (CR), Parkinsonia peruviana (CR) and Pradosia argentea (CR).
Field surveys, propagation protocol trials and workshops with local communities have been crucial to better understanding these threatened species. Saplings have been produced; technical sheets, propagation protocols and recovery plans have been developed, as well as an educational video for Pradosia argentea.
Thanks to the project, Mr Antonio and family members (see photo) living next to the area of distribution of Myrcianthes ferreyrae have reinforced their knowledge on seed collection, processing, sowing and growing of the plants until they are ready to be planted in situ. Huarango Nature in alliance with the Chapi Plant Conservation Center will continue with the conservation of Myrcianthes ferreyrae and other native species of Ica, Atiquipa, as well as the conservation of Parkinsonia peruviana, Pradosia argentea and other native species of the seasonally dry forests of the north of Peru.