General Surveillance of UK Host Species in Australia and New Zealand

Status of project
Ongoing -
Oceania -
Australia -
International Plant Sentinel Network -
Saving Plants -
Plant Conservation
The IPSN is carrying out a general surveillance research project, funded by Defra (Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) with diagnostic support provided by Fera (The Food and Environment Research Agency). The work focuses on identifying and surveying key UK host species in botanic gardens & arboreta in Australia and New Zealand, and diagnosing pests and pathogens that affect them. This research aims to help the UK identify novel or unusual pest and disease issues that may affect our native species if they were to arrive in the UK.
The National Plant Protection Organisations (Ministry of Primary Industries and Plant Health Australia) and plant health organisations AgResearch and B3 were also engaged.
Botanic gardens and arboreta carry out surveys on their collections in spring and summer using the Plant Health Checker to record their survey results and these were reported to the NPPO and to the IPSN Coordinator. Institutions involved in the project also share historic records of pest and disease issues on the host species of interest.
Following a pilot study in 2021-22, which allowed us to create and test the model of general surveillance and develop the resources to carry out these surveys, host species are now being surveyed in botanic gardens and arboreta in Australia and New Zealand every year. These activities are part of a 3 year project, with surveying continuing in New Zealand and Australia and additional countries (such as Belgium) being recruited to continue and expand the data collection work for the project.
Thumbnail image: Clare Shearman , Wellington BG