M.M. Hryshko Botanical (NBG)

Status of project
Completed -
Europe -
Ukraine -
Addressing Global Challenges -
Public Engagement
2022 Ukraine Botanic Garden Appeal
The M.M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NBG) was founded in 1935 in the historical part of Kyiv. The NBG has the richest collections in Ukraine, it holds historical collections on an area of 130 hectares. Thanks to the unique botanical-geographical principle, plants of some geographical zones of Ukraine and other countries are presented. They are located in the garden areas such as “Forests of the Plain Part of Ukraine”, “Ukrainian Carpathians”, “Crimea”, “Steppes of Ukraine”, “Caucasus”, “Central Asia”. “Altai and Western Siberia”, “Far East”, which not only give an opportunity to imagine the flora of these regions, but also reproduce the typical plant communities and even relief.
Hryshko Botanic Garden is also maintained by volunteers, who work day by day with its plants, and even help construct irrigation systems. A huge thanks goes out to these incredible volunteers!
Collections at Hryshko Botanical Garden
The Arboretum at Hryshko National Botanical has a unique collection of trees, shrubs and vines. Groves of birches, oaks, nuts, lindens, maples, legumes, Rosaceae and conifers impress with their diversity. The lilac garden is known far beyond Kyiv and Ukraine. In addition to many varieties, species and ornamental hybrids of lilac are fully represented here. Moreover, the garden holds collections for 100 species that are listed in the Red List of Ukraine.
Activities that the 2022 Ukraine Botanic Garden Appeal will support include:
- Maintenance of botanical collections: the appeal will fund the time of 10 botanical specialists
- Development of new excursion routes, in accordance with the conditions of wartime and post-war reconstruction: this appeal will help finance 2 botanical specialists
- Preparation of informational materials for presentation on the national Botanic Garden website
- Organisation and realisation of employee training on maintenance of collection and sites of the Garden
Kyiv National BG presentation ENG
BGJournal Article on M.M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden
Final report
How you have met your objective(s)?
Thanks to the implementation of the project, new excursion routes “Secrets of the Zvirynets Fortification of the Kyiv Fortress” and “Natural Heritage of the NBG” were developed. The exhibition “Healing plants: health and beauty” was held. Information materials are being prepared for presentation on the NBG website. Free excursions were held for the visitors (about 250 people). Materials about the work of the NBG during the period of martial law in Ukraine have been prepared to cover on the website, in the press, and on Internet resources. Financial support was provided to 18 employees of the National Botanical Garden.
Describe the impact(s) of your project.
Botanical gardens in Ukraine are unique urban centers of nature, science, education, and culture. They can also function as oases of peace and respite for visitors. The war in Ukraine has caused interruptions in providing these functions, owing to shortages of staff and funding, neglect of plant collections and infrastructure, forced closures for security reasons, and, in some cases, physical damage from the war itself. The most critical current need is to retain garden staff and collections of botanical gardens. The preservation of botanical collections, and their use for public outreach and environmental education programs, depends on garden staff.
July 2022: Updates from Hryshko National Botanic Garden
M.M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (NBG) which remained closed at the start of the conflict, opened its doors to the public. They received a flood of visitors during the first few weeks, more than they ever received before! With the financial help provided through the Appeal during May-June 2022, new excursion routes have now been developed:
- “Secrets of the Zvirynets Fortification of the Kyiv Fortress”;
- “Natural Heritage of the NBG”;
- and special information boards for interactive thematic excursions.

Classes with school teachers
Classes with school teachers

Free tours in greenhouses
Free tours in greenhouses

Free tours of the National Botanic Garden
Free tours of the National Botanic Garden
Information materials are being prepared for presentation on the NBG website. Free excursions were conducted for the military personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine (about 100 military personnel and their relatives), as well as classes for teachers of Kyiv schools (about 50 people). The funds from the Appeal supported 18 NBG employees involved in the preparation and conducting of excursions and maintenance of NBG botanical collections.
Aug 2022: Updates from Hryshko Botanical Garden
Gardens come alive when they have visitors. This heartfelt letter of love to the M.M. Hryshko Botanic Garden summarises the impact that visitors can have:
Thank you on behalf of each of our volunteer community for the opportunity to find comfort for the soul and relieve stress, working with plants and gaining strength in nature.