Sensory Garden Implementation at Jardim Botânico Univille, Brazil

Status of project
Ongoing -
Latin America and the Caribbean -
Brazil -
Inspiring and Leading People -
Public Engagement
Project funded via the Global Botanic Garden Fund by The Botanist.
Project completed: 2022
The Univille Botanical Garden in Santa Catarina, Brazil, not only has a wealth of botanical collections and scientific research projects, but also has a flourishing environmental education program.
Jardim Botânico Univille’s new project, supported by our Global Botanic Garden Fund and the Botanist, is the creation of a sensory garden.
Tactile floors, aromatic plant beds, and a mixture of textures, colours, and different structures will not only stimulate the senses of visitors, but hopefully will stimulate an interest in the plant world as well. Information boards of different sizes, with text also in Braille, will be installed to inform visitors and guide them through the garden.
Through raising awareness of the importance, cultivation, proper use, care, and need for preservation of plants, the project aims to contribute to the conservation of several species and foster a long-term interest in biodiversity conservation and the environment.