The Red List of Dipterocarpaceae

Status of project
Completed -
Global -
Global Tree Assessment -
Saving Plants -
Conservation Prioritisation
Dipterocarpaceae is a large tree family containing 535 species. Between 2016 and 2023, The Global Tree Assessment pursued the assessment of this large tree family. The results of this assessment were published in The Red List of Dipterocarpaceae in 2023. The completion of this report involved the partnership of many organisations in Southeast Asia, the diversity hotspot for the family, with many undertaking assessments for their endemic dipterocarps. Online review meetings were also hosted to assess non-endemic trees. Over 30 authors contributed to the assessments of Dipterocarpaceae and the red list report.
The red list found that 67% of dipterocarps are Threatened with extinction in the wild. Therefore, prioritising conservation action for this family needs thoughtful consideration. Already ex situ and in situ conservation are in place for dipterocarps. The report finds that a total of 379 species, representing 71% of dipterocarp species are recorded in at least one in situ conservation site, including 237 Threatened species. Conversely, over 60% of Dipterocarpaceae are not known from ex situ collections.
The Red List of Dipterocarpaceae, is one of the largest red list publications released by BGCI to date in terms of scope and also international contribution. This report is the first to include country pages. These short reports provide an overview of dipterocarps in eight countries where they are native. This will give readers an introduction to the forest management regime, strength, conservation measures in-place, and cross institutional links that are currently in-action. Therefore, The Red List of Dipterocarpaceae provides both a global and national perspective on the conservation of dipterocarps.
Prior to the publication of The Red List of Dipterocarpaceae, a regional assessment for Bornean endemic dipterocarps was published. A webinar was hosted, to provide an overview of the Red List of Dipterocarpace as part of BGCI’s Webinar Series in November 2022 – watch this here.
The Red List of Dipterocarpaceae was a huge collaborative effort with over 30 individuals involved from several institutions; including IUCN Species Survival Commissions Global Tree Specialist Group members, members of BGCI’s Global Conservation Consortium for Dipterocarps and individuals from Sabah Forestry, Forest Sarawak Department, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Forest Research Institute Malaysia, Tropical Rainforest Conservation and Research Centre, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) and UBD Botanical Research Centre (IBER), University of the Philippines Los Baños, National Research and Innovation Agency –Indonesia, Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (JNTBGRI), Arboretum Sylva Untan, Fauna & Flora International – Indonesia programme and National Botanic Gardens and National Herbarium.