Translocation of Vatica javanica subp. javanica, a Critically Endangered Tree, Indonesia

Status of project
Completed -
Asia -
Indonesia -
Saving Plants -
Services for Botanic Gardens
Funded by the Global Botanic Garden Fund: Extinct in the Wild
Project Completed: 2023
Institution: Bogor Botanic Gardens (BRIN)
Population Translocation of Vatica javanica subp. javanica (Dipterocarpaceae), a Critically Endangered Tree Endemic to West Java, Indonesia
Vatica javanica subp. javanica is a tree species from the Family Dipteocarpaceae. The tree is assessed as Critically Endangered according to the IUCN Red List (Ashton 1998) and is the only dipterocarp species protected under the national law of Indonesia. The tree can only be found in two regencies in Java Barat Province: Kuningan – which has 43 mature species, and Garut – with 2 mature individuals (Zulkarnaen et al. 2023).
The aim of this project was to improve the conservation status by increasing the population size and genetic diversity, as well as encouraging local community participation in the conservation of this critically endangered species.

Before the planting, a meeting was held at the hall of the Java Mekar Village office, involving all the village staff and the local youth community – as well as primary school teachers and headmasters around the village. A total of 18 people attended, where the species and the importance of the project for its conservation were discussed. Five seedlings were distributed to the village staff and three different school headmasters to be planted in the area of their institutions.
The seedlings planted on Mt. Halimun in Garut Regency had been germinated from seeds collected at Ciangir Forest (Kuningan Regency). The planting was conducted in March 2023, with 111 seedlings being translocated – 52 of which were planted using cage treatment. The survival rate of the seedling c.2 months after planting was 99.1%. The dead seedling was removed and then replaced by a new one.

The second monitoring was carried out in July with 100% survival rate, but unfortunately in the third monitoring – conducted in November – 28 seedlings had died. Therefore, the survival rate of the seedling c. 8 months after planting was 74.77%. The most likely reason for the mortality of the seedlings was the extreme heat and long dry season that hit Indonesia caused by the El Niño.

During the planting, 12 people from the local villages were actively involved and at least two of them took part in the monitoring activities. The project activities were disseminated through the social media page of Forum Pohon Langka Indonesia, the local non-governmental organization partner. There were at least 7 postings related to the project which engaged more than 280 people until now.
This project successfully added 85 new individuals of Vatica javanica subp. javanica on Mt. Halimun. These new individuals will hopefully survive and develop into mature individuals. Raising the awareness of this species with the local communities has increased their knowledge and will in turn reduce the habitat conversion and illegal logging currently happening on Mt. Halimun.

Seedlings and information posters distributed to schools and village office (Iyan Robiansyah)
Seedlings and information posters distributed to schools and village office (Iyan Robiansyah)

Seedlings of the species2
Seedlings of the species2

Transporting the seedlings to the planting site (M.Nurzaman)
Transporting the seedlings to the planting site (M.Nurzaman)

planting the seedling (M.Nurzaman)
planting the seedling (M.Nurzaman)

Installing the cage (M.Nurzaman)
Installing the cage (M.Nurzaman)