Zaporizhzhya City BG

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Ukraine -
Addressing Global Challenges -
Public Engagement
2022 Ukraine Botanic Garden Appeal
Zaporizhzhya City Botanical Garden
The Zaporizhzhya Botanical Garden is a one-of-a-kind specialised out-of-school educational institution, whose main objectives are environmental and naturalistic education for the young generation, research, as well as conservation and enrichment of the local flora through the introduction and acclimatisation of plants. The institution has clubs themed around the following fields: ecological-naturalistic, artistic-aesthetic, and social rehabilitation. The institution has organised 23 clubs, in which about 800 children and adolescents of the city from 5 to 18 years old participate free of charge.
Collections at Zaporizhzhya Botanical Garden
The Garden features an arboretum with some unique displays that reproduce floras of various geographical regions, such as East Asia, Central Asia, Far East, Europe, Crimean Peninsula, Caucasus, and North America. In addition, a number of tropical plant taxa are exhibited in a greenhouse complex.
Impacts of the war
On March 16, a projectile hit the garden, very close to the new greenhouse. Luckily, the projectile did not explode and nobody was injured. But despite the difficulties of wartime, the workers of the botanical garden try to do everything necessary for the regular work of the institution, for the preservation of the plants and the support of all those who are in a difficult situation and need help. The Zaporizhia Botanical Garden has created a temporary shelter with a lounge area and hot food for internally displaced people. Free tours and excursions are held in order to improve the psycho-emotional state of the people who suffered during the war. The garden has lost 11 staff.
How will the funds from the Appeal be used?
The funds received from the Appeal are planned to be used for financial support of the employees of the institution, who, in this difficult time, keep on working to preserve the collection of the botanical garden, organize the support for internally displaced people, take care of animals and plants in the hostels, carry out excursions, highlight information about the activities of the institution on the website and in social networks. Some of the funds received from BGCI are planned to be spent on materials necessary for further work of the institution, aimed at supporting and improving the psycho-emotional state of people, namely: the publication of printed materials (booklets, brochures, catalogs) for the visitors and the purchase of paper for conducting art therapy classes.
Final report
How you have met your objective(s)?
Realizing the difficult situation in the country, the employees of the botanical garden did their best not only to preserve the rarest collection of plants, but also proposed new projects that would help others. Thanks to the funding of the BGCI, it was possible to provide all possible assistance to everyone around.
Describe the impact(s) of your project.
Thanks to the implementation of the project, zoo and phyto hostels are actively working on the basis of the Zaporozhye Botanical Garden. Over the entire period of their work, they managed to save more than 120 plants and find families for more than 60 animals. Charitable excursions and master classes organized by our employees have become popular. And garden specialists took part not only in city but also in all-Ukrainian environmental events.

Zaporozhye Botanical Garden
Art by visitors

Zaporozhye Botanical Garden
Art by visitors

Zaporozhye Botanical Garden
Excursions into the Botanical Garden
September 2022 Update: Zaporizhzhya City Botanical Garden
The Zaporizhia City Botanical Garden, a charitable Phytohostel and Zoohostel were opened in which plants and animals stay temporarily or while waiting for a new caring family. Currently, there are more than a hundred tropical and subtropical plants in the Phytohostel, which have found their place in the facility’s greenhouses. Recently, more than half a hundred four-legged pets have visited Zoohostel, twenty of which have found new caring owners.

Zaporizhzhia City Children's Botanical Garden

Zaporizhzhia City Children's Botanical Garden

Zaporizhzhia City Children's Botanical Garden

Zaporizhzhia City Children's Botanical Garden

Zaporizhzhia City Children's Botanical Garden
The Botanical Garden is a budget institution with limited finances, so the maintenance, care and treatment of hostel residents are carried out by employees at their own expense and in addition to their main work. That is why we are very grateful to Botanic Gardens Conservation International for the grant assistance, which made it possible to provide these workers with the material support that is so necessary at this difficult time.
Aug 2022 Update: Zaporizhzhya City Botanical Garden
Funds received from BGCI have made it possible to materially support the employees of the Zaporizhzhia City Botanical Garden, who, despite all the difficulties of wartime, come to work every day and try to do everything they can to preserve and increase the unique collection of plants and educational workers methodical department, who constantly highlight information about the institution’s activities in wartime, post photos and video materials of flowering plants on the institution’s website and on pages in social networks. Such encouragement is important for people who give all their strength to preserve the beautiful green part of the city. This gives an understanding that their work is important and valuable even at the international level.
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