Global Botanic Garden Congress


BGCI’s Global Botanic Garden Congress is the only global congress dedicated to botanic gardens and is a key event in the calendar for botanic garden leaders and staff. It is an opportunity for the botanic garden community to come together and share information and experiences. Held every three or four years the Congress includes internationally renown plenary speakers and sessions covering topics relevant to botanic gardens such as policy, education, governance, conservation and research.

The next Global Botanic Garden Congress will be hosted by The Morton Arboretum and Chicago Botanic Garden in Chicago in 2027.

8th Global Botanic Gardens Congress

The 8th Global Botanic Gardens Congress “Botanic Gardens: People and Plants for a Sustainable Future” took place in Singapore, 6 – 9 August 2024; with Congress tours and other activities around those dates.

A summary of the Congress and key reflections by Dr. Paul Smith can be found here. You can also see the concluding slides for the 8GBGC.

Videos from 8GBGC

Videos of the opening, closing ceremonies and plenary talks are available to watch.

Past Congresses

  • 7th Global Botanic Gardens Congress – Melbourne, Australia, 2022
  • 6th Global Botanic Gardens Congress – Geneva, Switzerland, 2017
  • 5th Global Botanic Gardens Congress – Dunedin, New Zealand, 2013
  • 4th Global Botanic Gardens Congress – Dublin, Ireland, 2010
  • 3rd Global Botanic Gardens Congress – Wuhan, China, 2007
  • 2nd World Botanic Gardens Congress – Barcelona, Spain, 2004
  • 1st World Botanic Gardens Congress – North Carolina, USA, 2000

Global Congress Resources

  • BGCI Global Congress Proceedings

    Services for Botanic Gardens / Publication / English

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