BGCI Webinars

BGCI is pleased to host the BGCI Webinar Series. This Series shares knowledge, ideas, and updates with BGCI and its Members, Partners, Donors, and Supporters around the world.

The webinars cover a range of subjects aligning with our strategy and BGCI projects, this includes events on red listing, forest restoration, policy and education. Webinars take the form of a 1-2 hour session, with a facilitator and one or more presenters. There is also time for questions. All webinars are recorded and available to view on BGCI’s Vimeo channel after the event.

We host webinars regularly across the year (approx. every two months), with details being shared on our new pages, through our email newsletters and on this page. For further information on the programme and to register for one of our events please see below.

Previous webinars

BGCI Webinar: Introduction to the new Global Strategy for Plant Conservation: Complimentary Voluntary Actions (January 2025)

BGCI Webinar: Better Biodiversity Outcomes – Insights from Piloting The Global Biodiversity Standard in Kenya (October 2024)

BGCI Webinar: The importance of botanic gardens in tackling the illegal plant trade (September 2024)

BGCI/SER Webinar: Advancing biodiversity outcomes: Unveiling The Global Biodiversity Standard Manual for assessment and best practices (July 2024)

BGCI Webinar: Tree Health and Biosecurity and Marsh Awards for Education (July 2024)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Aula Viva el Jardín Botánico de San Jorge and Marsh Awards Ceremony (June 2024)

BGCI Webinar: Marsh Awards for International Plant Conservation (June 2024)

BGCI Webinar: Applying for a BGCI Grant (April 2024)

BGCI Webinar: A Conservation Action Plan for Colombian Trees (March 2024)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Base de Datos PlantSearch: Jardines Botánicos compartiendo información (March 2024)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Un jardín etnobiológico: ampliando los horizontes del Jardín Botánico Francisco Javier Clavijero en Xalapa, Veracruz (January 2024)

IPSN @ 10 (November 2023)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: El potencial terapéutico del contacto con la naturaleza, desde la evidencia científica (November 2023)

BGCI Webinar: Conservation Action Tracker (September 2023)

BGCI Webinar: Global Biodiversity Standard (August 2023)

BGCI Webinar: The Marsh Awards 2023 (Winner Presentation: Marsh Award for Education in Botanic Gardens – Paulina Xóchitl Rendón Pujol) (July 2023)

BGCI Webinar: The Marsh Awards 2023 (Winner Presentation: Marsh Award for International Plant Conservation – Santiago Madriñán) (July 2023)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Introducción a la Interpretación para Jardines Botánicos (June 2023)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Programa de Acreditación de BGCI: Retos y Oportunidades (April 2023)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Proyecto Bexyl: colaborando juntos para la detección temprana de Xylella fastidiosa (February 2023)

Living Collections Development and Curation (summary workshop 7GBGC)

Index Seminum Workshop (December 2022)

Virtual talk RSAJB: Educaçâo Ambiental em Jardins Botânicos e em Reservas Ecológicas (December 2022)

The Red List of Dipterocarpaceae (November 2022)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Jardines Botánicos de Sudamérica y su rol social (September 2022)

BGCI Webinar: Plant Collections Databases (July 2022)

BGCI Webinar: The Climate Toolkit (June 2022)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Ferramenta JABOT: gerenciando e informatizando a coleção viva de jardins botânicos (June 2022)

BGCI Webinar: 2021 Marsh Awards (March 2022)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Experiencias en conservación ex situ de plantas en el banco de germoplasma SAG-Magallanes (March 2022)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Jardim Louise Ribeiro: el primer jardín naturalista del Cerrado del mundo (January 2022)

BGCI Webinar: Bringing threatened trees into ecological restoration (December 2021)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Arboretum U.A.Ch: enclave urbano de la Selva Valdiviana y reserva de la diversidad arbórea (November 2021)

BGCI Webinar: State of the World’s Trees – What is Next? (October 2021)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Control de Especies Exóticas para la Restauración Ambiental (September 2021)

BGCI Webinar: Ecological restoration: Increasing the supply of native species in ecological restoration (December 2021)

BGCI Webinar: Food Forever (June 2021)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Estrategias de Investigación del Jardín Botánico de Medellín (June 2021)

BGCI Webinar: Increasing the supply of native species in ecological restoration (May 2021)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: A Coleção Viva do Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (May 2021)

BGCI Webinar: Jon Drori on Communicating Science – Around the World in 80 Plants (April 2021)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Instituto Alexander Von Humboldt: Conservando las semillas de un país megadiverso (April 2021)

BGCI Webinar: Global Challenge: Unsung Plant Scientists (March 2021)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Hacia una Red Nacional de Jardines Botánicos: la Experiencia Mexicana (March 2021)

BGCI Webinar: The Red List of Trees of Madagascar (March 2021)

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Experiencias de Propagación de Especies Nativas del Bosque Seco Tropical del Caribe Colombiano

Virtual Talk RSAJB: Experiencia de Estudio de Carbón almacenado en el Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Manabí, Ecuador (January 2021)

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