Training and Capacity Building

BGCI training and capacity building include face to face training, follow up workshops, webinars and online training modules. BGCI’s training activities cover a wide range of plant conservation and public engagement subjects including:

  • Access and benefit sharing
  • Tree conservation, nursery training and forest restoration
  • Red list assessments
  • Seed conservation
  • Conservation horticulture
  • Interpretation
  • Science communication
  • Working with diverse audiences
  • Evaluation

Online training platform

BGCI has its own online training platform through which we provide a suite of training modules. The platform offers both BGCI member and open access modules covering a range of subjects such as Plant collections policy, Collections Management, Scaling up biodiverse forest restoration and an Introduction to interpretation.


BGCI runs a regular webinar series focusing on topics and projects relevant to BGCI activities and our partners. We have an annual programme of webinars that are open to everyone and cover topics such as the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, the Global Biodiversity Standard and the Illegal Plant Trade Campaign. We also deliver a programme of regional webinars and technical talks, the topic of these events is developed in partnership with the regional networks.

Training and Workshops

We also deliver a range of online and in person training courses and workshops. Where possible training is delivered in the local language, and with support from local partners. Training topics include how to apply for a BGCI grant, conservation horticulture, conservation planning, seed collection and red list training.

Most of the training we deliver is provided as part of our funded project work. Where availability and resources allow, we are happy to discuss developing bespoke training courses for our members (and can provide a member discounted price for this). To discuss your needs please contact Helen Miller.

Promoting the use of plant resources in research and development

ABS Darwin Project

Access and Benefit Sharing Darwin project

Bgen multiplier 2019

LearnToEngage evaluation multiplier event 2019 (credit - bgen)


Training in Inquiry-Based Science Education - credit INQUIRE

2017 Indian Ocean Island training

Indian Ocean Island training course participants from Mauritius, Rodrigues, Reunion and the Seychelles, and trainers from BGCI and Missouri Botanical Garden

Indian Ocean 2017 seed collection training

Demonstrating seed collecting equipment in Petrin, Mauritius

Online Resources

In addition, we have produced a suite of online resources and publications to support botanic gardens in their practices. This includes e-learning resources, webinars, videos, and manuals. Please visit our resources page for more information or follow the links below to some of our key resources. Many of our resources are also available in multiple languages and you can filter your search by language on our resources page.

BGCI's Botanic Garden Manual

  • BGCI's Manual on Planning, Developing and Managing Botanic Gardens

    Public Engagement, Services for Botanic Gardens, Policy and Advocacy / Publication, Tool / English, Spanish, French

BGCI E-Learning Modules and Webinars

  • ABS Learning Package

    Policy and Advocacy / E-learning module, Tool / English
  • Access and Benefit Sharing Learning Modules

    Policy and Advocacy / E-learning module / English, Spanish, French, Chinese
  • CITES Learning Modules

    Policy and Advocacy / E-learning module / English
  • Communities in Nature Webinars

    Public Engagement / Webinar, Video / English
  • Dipterocarpaceae Conservation Horticulture Learning Modules

    Tree Conservation, Conservation Horticulture, Plant Conservation / E-learning module / English
  • Forest Restoration Learning Modules

    Tree Conservation, Ecological Restoration / E-learning module, Video / English, Spanish, French, Swahili
  • Global Seed Conservation Challenge Advanced Learning Modules

    Seed Conservation / E-learning module, Video / English, French
  • Global Seed Conservation Challenge Learning Modules

    Conservation Prioritisation, Seed Conservation, Policy and Advocacy / E-learning module / English, Spanish, French, Chinese
  • LearnToEngage Module Resources

    Public Engagement / E-learning module / English
  • Red List Learning Modules

    Tree Conservation, Conservation Prioritisation / E-learning module, Video / English, Spanish, French, Chinese


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