BGCI's Directory of Expertise
The Directory of Expertise allows you to identify and contact individuals with expertise related to botanic gardens and plant conservation. You can use the keyword search to search for specific areas of expertise, or use the filters to find experts with specific areas of expertise, expertise in certain regions, the services they offer, and – in some cases – their expertise in specific habitats.
Using the Filter
To use the filter, click the drop down menu and choose the options provided. You can choose more than one option – but this will show all experts with any of the filters chosen not all.
Using the Keyword Search
To use the keyword search, click on the magnifying glass, type out your search criteria, and click search. You can add as many keyword searches as you like.
Resetting your Search
To reset your search at any time, click the Reset Filters button.
Botanic Garden Conceptualisation and Design
Conservation Assessment
Conservation Horticulture
Ecological Restoration
Exceptional Species
Plant Health and Biosecurity
Public Engagement
Seed Conservation
Tree Conservation
Caucasus, North and Central Asia
Latin America and the Caribbean
North America
West Asia
Partnership opportunity
Boreal forests/Taiga
Coastal areas
Deserts and xeric shrublands
Flooded grasslands and savannahs
Mediterranean forests, woodlands and scrubs
Montane grasslands and shrublands
Temperate broad leaf and mixed forests
Temperate coniferous forest
Temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands
Tropical and subtropical coniferous forests
Tropical and subtropical dry broad leaf forests
Tropical and subtropical grasslands, savannas and shrublands
Tropical and subtropical moist broad leaf forests
Wetlands (e.g. lake shores, bog, marshes)
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Calling all Experts
As a membership benefit exclusively for BGCI Institutional Members, staff associated with these institutions can apply for inclusion in BGCI's Directory of Expertise.