
BGCI’s Global Botanic Garden Congress is the only global congress dedicated to botanic gardens and is a key event in the calendar for botanic garden leaders and staff. It is an opportunity for the botanic garden community to come together and share information and experiences. Held every three or four years the Congress includes internationally renowned plenary speakers and sessions covering topics relevant to botanic gardens such as policy, education, governance, conservation and research.

2024 saw the 8th GBGC held in Singapore, jointly organised by BGCI and the Singapore Botanic Gardens (SBG).

Below are the recordings from the opening, closing and plenary sessions. Please note not all sessions were recorded.

Opening, Closing and Plenary sessions

Day 1 – Opening Ceremony and Keynote: Transforming Singapore into a city in nature
Opening Remarks from Co-organisers: Tan Puay Yok, Executive Director/National Parks, Gardens and Community, and Group Director, Singapore Botanic Gardens and Paul Smith, Secretary General, Botanic Gardens Conservation International, UK.

Keynote Address: Transforming Singapore into a City in Nature – Hwang Yu-Ning, CEO, National Parks Board, Singapore

Day 1 – Plenary Talk 1: Continuity and change – Singapore, biodiversity and BGCI
Stephen Blackmore, Botanic Gardens Conservation International & Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, UK

Day 2 – Plenary talk 2: What is the future of the Singapore Botanic Gardens
Puay Yok Tan, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Singapore

Day 2 – Plenary Talk 3: Cultivating change: Interdisciplinary approaches to amplify botanic gardens’ influence
Amy Padolf, Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, USA

Day 3 – Plenary Talk 4: In situ and ex situ conservation of plant diversity in China
Ren Hai, South China Botanical Garden, China

Day 3 – Plenary Talk 5: Acting on the biodiversity crisis
Leonard Ng, Henning Larsen, Singapore

Day 4 – Plenary Talk 6: Putting plants at the centre collaboration and connectivity for a green future
Sandra Knapp, Natural History Museum, UK

Day 4 – BGCI Award Ceremony & Closing ceremony


Full programme of talks and sessions

For a full list of talks and sessions from 8GBGC please visit the Congress website. If there are specific sessions/talks that you are interested in viewing please contact the training team with your request. Please note that not all sessions were recorded.

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