9th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens Resources
From 26th April – 1st May 2015, BGCI’s 9th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens was held in St Louis, Missouri and hosted by Missouri Botanical Garden – a centre for global botanical research, premier horticultural display, exemplary science education, and popular community events. This was the second time BGCI’s Education Congress has been held in the U.S. The event was attended by 296 delegates from 34 countries with eight delegates supported to attend the Congress through the Sylvia Scholarship Fund, individual donors and congress revenue.
The theme of the Congress was ‘Biodiversity for a Better World: Wild Ideas Worth Sharing’. During the congress week eight keynote speeches, 26 panels, 25 workshops, two world cafés, three poster sessions, 14 tours, a roundtable, a pecha kucha, and a technology showcase illustrated how the public can be engaged with biodiversity issues. Further information is available on the Congress website.

Associated resources
9th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens - Congress Papers A-E
Public Engagement, Services for Botanic Gardens / Publication / English -
9th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens - Congress Papers F-J
Public Engagement, Services for Botanic Gardens / Publication / English -
9th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens - Congress Papers K-Z
Public Engagement, Services for Botanic Gardens / Publication / English -
9th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens - Congress Posters
Public Engagement, Services for Botanic Gardens / Publication / English -
9th International Congress on Education in Botanic Gardens - Contents, Acknowledgements, List of Authors and Congress summary report
Public Engagement, Services for Botanic Gardens / Publication / English
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