Global Survey of Ex situ Conifer Collections
The Global Survey of Ex situ Conifer Collections (2014) identifies which species are held in botanic gardens and arboreta. It builds on the conifer conservation priorities highlighted by the 2013 IUCN Red List assessments that revealed 34% of the world’s conifers to be threatened with extinction. The ex situ survey identified which threatened conifers are currently absent from or only represented in a small number of collections. It also showed that 81% of globally threatened conifer taxa are present in over 800 ex situ collections. Further analysis shows that 134 threatened taxa are known in very few or no collections. The ex situ survey also provides recommendations aimed at increasing capacity for threatened conifer conservation, improving management of ex situ collections and enabling supply of material for recovery and restoration programmes. The report also highlights case studies of best practice to inspire further action.

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Global Survey of Ex situ Conifer Collections
Conservation Prioritisation, Tree Conservation / Publication / English
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