IPSN Factsheets
Each year, the IPSN collaborates with pathologists and entomologists to produce comprehensive factsheets addressing globally significant plant pests and pathogens. These factsheets offer detailed information on the distribution, impact, dispersal mechanism, plant host species, and biology of the featured harmful organism. Additionally, they offer supplementary resources for further exploration.
The aim of these factsheets is to complement the available posters on pests and diseases, which provide information on diagnostic symptoms and include images to aid in the identification. Users can conveniently access accompanying posters via a provided QR code.
Below, you will find all the factsheets, available in PDF. Factsheets have been categorized into those focusing on target pests and diseases, and those focusing on pests and diseases of a specific target plant species.
Factsheets on pests and pathogens:
- Agrilus species
- Golden Root Mealybug
- Japanese Beetle
- Myrtle rust
- Phytophthora pluvialis
- Sirococcus tsugae
- Sooty bark Disease
- Xylella fastidiosa
Factsheets focused on target plant species: