The Red List and Ex situ Survey of Magnoliaceae
The Red List of Magnoliaceae 2016
The Red List of Magnoliaceae (2016) contains up-to-date assessments for all Magnolia species assessed in the 2007 Red List of Magnoliaceae, together with first-time assessments for 93 Magnolias species that have been described since 2007. Nearly half (48%) of the magnolia species assessed are threatened with extinction in the wild. The Neotropics hold the highest proportion of threatened magnolias, with 75% of Neotropical magnolia species threatened with extinction. In the wild, magnolias are principally threatened by logging activity, with habitat loss due to land conversion to agriculture and livestock farming also a significant factor in their global decline. Other threats include the collection of wild plant material and impacts of climate change.

Global Survey of Ex situ Magnoliaceae Collections
The Red List of Magnoliaceae (2016) includes a global ex situ survey of Magnoliaceae collections. This survey identified 9,918 Magnoliaceae records from 490 institutions in 61 countries. Approximately half of all Magnoliaceae are found in ex situ collections (152 of 304 species). However, only 43% of threatened Magnolia are found in ex situ collections (63 of 147). The report lists the 23 Critically Endangered species not found in collections and their country of origin, calling for immediate efforts to bring these plants into ex situ collections.
The Red List of Magnoliaceae 2007
Published in 2007, the first Red List of Magnoliaceae assessed the conservation status of 151 of the 245 Magnolia species known globally using the IUCN criteria and categories and revealed that many are threatened with extinction.

Associated resources
The Red List of Magnoliaceae (2016)
Conservation Prioritisation, Tree Conservation / Publication / English -
Global Survey of Ex situ Magnoliaceae Collections
Conservation Prioritisation, Tree Conservation / Publication / English -
The Red List of Magnoliaceae (2007)
Conservation Prioritisation, Tree Conservation / Publication / English
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